Covid19 Fatigue: GET OUT OF THAT FUNK!

By Andrea Baumann


In the current pandemic situation we all find ourselves in, it is easy to become fatigued because our normal outlets are limited due to social distancing. We can’t meet for dinner; can’t go to the gym; can’t have play dates for our kids; can’t visit many places like we used to be able to visit. 

If you’re now working from home, like me, your daily work routine has been turned completely upside down. Once there was work-life and personal-life are now they’re meshed together. Your significant other might be working at home, too. Your kids need help with online homework—because they’re stuck at home, too! Cats crawl across your laptop or make a special appearance during your Zoom meeting. Dogs beg for your attention wanting to play fetch or go for a nice walk. All these distractions drain you by day’s end (or by lunchtime, for many of us, myself included)- but don’t tell my boss. And, this is our new norm?

What is Pandemic Fatigue or Burnout anyway?

Fatigue can come from many sources, like juggling day-to-day distractions or emotions. Fear of what lies ahead during this pandemic, loneliness from having to social distance ourselves, depression from being on lockdown and feeling stuck between the walls of your living quarter.

These emotions can come out of nowhere and they can hit you hard.

Signs you may be experiencing fatigue or burnout:

  • Frustrated
  • Sad
  • Irritable 
  • Worried
  • Drained

Here are several ways for you to GET OUT OF THAT FUNK!

Switch Things up with Virtual Meetings

Instead of virtual discussions, use your phone and make it a call. This simple switch can help alleviate much stress.  You won’t stress about your appearance or the appearance of your living space, plus, you won’t be dividing your attention between listening and watching all the different virtual “rooms” your teammates are in. Preplanning these meetings will also help alleviate stress.

Create a Routine – Especially a Work Routine and Incorporate Mini-breaks


During your mini-breaks, take time to lower your stress by decompressing. Do some breathing exercises, take a quick walk and get some fresh air, or perhaps do a couple yoga poses. 

Comedy and laughing can perk up your spirit too, or try connecting with a loved-one or friend. Make a quick 5 minute call to say, “Hi- Just thinking of you!” 

If possible segregate yourself and separate work from home-life. Shut that “home-office” door, and hang a sign that says “At Work!” When the sign is up, it means Do Not Disturb (unless there is an emergency, of course). Let your household know that you can check on them during “mini-break” time. You can even shut-out the pets— this way you are distraction free.

Routines keep us from stressing and your work routine is no different. Keep your work start time the same everyday and your end time, too. Keep a record of your daily work accomplishments. This will keep you focused on your goal. A routine will also help you transition from your “work” day to your “personal time” giving you a mental relief between the two. After work, why not go for a walk. This equates to the “commuting” time you would have spent driving home from work. Great benefits there, too! You can decompress, clear your mind, and get your blood really flowing.

Take Care of Your Body

It is easy to forget our own health when worrying about everything that is going on in the world and our lives. Remember to get enough sleep (at least 7 hours a night) and maintain a healthy diet. Exercise is a great pick-me-up that will help boost energy and your mood. It will also strengthen your immune system. And, don’t forget to add lots and lots of veggies to meals.

Try Something New

I recently began adult paint-by-number. This was new and exciting for me. I end up with a finished project I can frame and hang, or give as a gift. Perhaps a synchronous yoga class might be right for you, or “spa-day” recreated in your home. Start that spring cleaning early, or take care of those flowers that are fading from the summer heat. There are also many free virtual tours of museums, zoos/aquariums, flower gardens or even the tundra. Maybe dig that fishing pole out of the storage closet and go catch dinner! Or, you could livestream an Raptor’s eagle nest!

There are so many exciting things you could try—challenge yourself to experience something new everyday.

I stumbled across free “learn how to paint” classes, as well, when I began searching for free things I could do from my own living room. I can’t wait to try my hand at an acrylic on canvas, ocean painting, waves and all.

Zoom with a friend, and paint together!! 

Whatever you decide to do, if you go outside, please remember to keep safe and healthy …and protect yourself! 

Figure Out Your Energy Rhythm

Do you have more energy in the morning, the afternoon? Take advantage of that time to be productive. Being productive will boost your mood, and it will give you the satisfaction of getting your stuff done!

Have a work project that needs attention – do that during your peak performance time. You’ll feel great about yourself, and your employer will also feel great about you.

Don’t forget that to-do list. If you have a project, assignment, or task you need to remember to-do, you will have that handy list to keep you organized. This will also give you purpose. And, why not get the family involved – they can make to-do lists also. You can all hold each other accountable to stay motivated and rejoice in the moment.

Lastly – Be Kind to Yourself – YOU REALLY DESERVE IT!


4 Replies to “Covid19 Fatigue: GET OUT OF THAT FUNK!”

  1. Great post Andrea. I needed to read that. Everything has been so hectic and crazy. I just had a friend get onto me for being to distant. I needed to hear that as well. We need to hear that we are not alone in difficult time. I’m really bad about closing myself off. It has always been a defense mechanism.

    I like what you said about self-care activities we can engage in; taking five minutes to breath, yoga, and art. I’ve started doing art projects. They do help me relax. I needed to hear the call a friend just to talk. I need that more.

    Great job.

  2. Unlike a lot of people, I love working from home. The only thing I have had to adjust is my physical routine. Given that I am doing both school and work from home I was sitting in a chair all day. Now I have started walking on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes a day and have lost 25lbs!

  3. Very informational post! I think we all have learned so many things during this pandemic ( especially how to wash hands haha). We have learned how much we care about our loved ones no matter how far they are. We have learned that taking time out for ourself is very important. We have learned that catching with old friends to freshen up our memories was so enjoyable and so many other things. I know this pandemic has been so frustrated for all of us and I really like you how you have point out new things to learn everyday that could be a good way to bring a change in our life. Ever since the fall semester started, I made myself a good routine to make myself active throughout the day and I can back to my bed on time instead of late at night. I think to-do list is a great way to keep yourself on track.

  4. Thank you for giving us readers some hope! Yes, COVID may have us down, but you provided us with valuable resources that will surely get us out of that funk! I know a lot of parents right now that are struggling with their little ones at home. A cool concept that has been thrown around is “quarantine groups”. You quarantine, but are only allowed to physically hangout with your quarantine group (probably a group of families with children around the same age). It’s interesting how creative we can be when we are put to the test!.

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