The World Wide Web is an ocean not unlike our own Earthly waters— beautiful, dangerous, full of an unbelievable variety… Amazing vistas interspersed with miles…
Who do you want to be? You might want to ask, who am I, but to ask who do I want to be is opportunity to direct your online identity.
Introduction When it comes to designing for the web, and more specifically writing for the web, there is nothing that can make quite as much…
One important component of writing on the web is accessibility. says accessibility focuses on how a disabled person accesses or benefits from a site,…
Maybe he beats his chest. Maybe he tries to dance along. Either way, he’s grunting wildly to TikTok.
This video is one of the most iconic deepfakes out there. It’s likely that you’ve seen this video somewhere on the internet, and were probably… Social unrest has hit an all-time high in recent months due to the specific mistreatment of people of color. Individuals by the name of…
With countless fonts out there, it’s easy to get confused about which ones to use for screens. We’re going to talk about typefaces and fonts…
A few basic things to look for when trying to tell if a photo is ‘photoshopped’.
What does a web designer/developer do? What skills do they need to be successful at their job? What kind of background do you need in…